Carpe Diem. Live life to the fullest. Enjoy each day as it was your last.
This morning, as I was trying to find the energy to get a move on and get to work, I switched on the telly (like you do) and The Fight Club was on. It was a scene where Tyler (unforgettably characterised by Brad Pitt) holds a gun to the head of the cashier of supermarket and demands his wallet. I wont spoil the magic of the movie entirely, but what I pulled from that 5 minute view was that life is not something you throw away.
There is a kind of injustice to yourself if you whittle away this life, this gift, in a job or a place that simply doesnt challenge you.
Perhaps life should not always be an adrenalin rush, but nevertheless life where routine becomes the cornerstone of every inhaled and exhaled breathe - then it is time to rethink.
There was a friend of mine who questioned me, roughly on why I was wasting my life. Why do I seem to constantly start things and never really complete them? His questioning was a virtual gripping of my arms and shaking the lethargy, the passiveness out of me. I wish I could say that his questioning me helped me find the path to better myself. To seek and explore and hunt out the new better version of myself.
But it didnt. My emotions got caught up in a snare and I spent the rest of the year paralysed with sadness. The paralysing sadness was the direct result of the end of a relationship; but now, looking back I realise that every minute of my life taught me something. Every minute spent was a gift and every minute forward is a gift waiting to be explored.
So Carpe Diem indeed.